Friday, October 10, 2008

Busy Day

Well, today was a busy day in a way. I started a mind and body class at the senior center, It is basic exercises like the warm up at Rehab. At the end of the class, we practice breathing the correct way. Believe it or not, I am the youngest person in the class. I have realized two things, I am still way out of shape and that I am known at the center as "the guy with the pillow". For those of you who don't know, I have a very special Butt. After the class, I drank a cup of coffee and just sat and talked with some of the people there. I started to feel guilty that I was enjoying myself, like I have a life again. Monica works all day, and here I was, having "fun". She reassured me that I shouldn't feel guilty, that this is all part of my recovery. So I am ok with that now. The next thing I did was to go pick up my wedding ring. It had to be resized since I have lost so much weight. It feels good to be wearing it again. My next stop was to drop in to see Monica at work. To be able to go in there without the wheelchair was a great feeling. I only stayed for a few minutes because my next stop was back to the senior center to see what this WII fit bowling is all about. I was late, so I didn't get to experience it. They are trying to get a WII bowling tournment going. I have always loved to bowl, so this just might be a good start since I can't really hold a heavy bowling ball yet. So since I missed that, I decided to drive to Mesa ,where my daughter works and surprise her. To my surprise, she treated me to lunch at Olive Garden. All the soup, salad and bread sticks I could eat. By the time I finally made it home, Monica was just getting home from work. We had planned to go out for our Friday night date, but she said she was pretty tired, and made the suggestion that we just stay at home. I think she may have said that because she knew I was tired out, but when she put her PJ's on before 6:00, I knew she was serious. So, that was my exciting day, and it sure felt good. By the way, I drove the whole day.


Anonymous said...

sounds good

Anonymous said...

You had a busy day, and with your driving now, maybe your next trip could be to OHIO:)

Susan said...

Out Galivanting around ... just be careful or don't get caught!